Rock The Bock

Things are getting wild here! The Roll & Write game by Inka and Markus Brand guarantees lots of fun. And it is easy to explain: Deer bring plus points. But of course, the other players don't begrudge you these. And so the players give each other wolves as minus points. Well, who rocks the game at the end? This is how it's played: The player whose turn it is rolls the dice. You mark bucks or goats in your own color on your sheet. They bring plus points. If you decide on wolves, a fellow player must mark them on his sheet. Only the player who has enough bucks on his hand can secure the goats' bonus points. And be careful: In each round, the players have fewer dice at their disposal! Whoever has the most points after 3 rounds wins.
Beschreibung auf

⚙️Easy [1.00]
👤2-4 (3-4)
💡Inka Brand and Markus Brand
🏭moses. Verlag GmbH and Tucker's Fun Factory B.V.
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