Für eine handvoll Meeple

It’s Mancala meets worker-placement in this Wild West board game! On your turn you’ll grab a Fistful of Meeples and place them around the street. Take actions such as: mining for gold, building businesses, dueling in the street, and setting off explosive jail breaks! After the dust has settled, the player with the most points wins! —description from the publisher
Beschreibung auf www.boardgamegeek.com

Geekcheck by Geekpunkt

Artwork - 7
Mechanic - 6
Theme - 8
Fun - 8
Quality - 7


⚙️Easy [1.95]
💡Jonny Pac
🎨Mihajlo Dimitrievski
🏭Final Frontier Games, Super Meeple and TCG Factory
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