Chimera Station

Chimera Station brings a new twist to the worker placement genre: customizable workers. Each worker can be modified in-game by splicing claws, tentacles, leaves or additional brains (or any combination of those) on them. These workers are used to gather resources: points, food, credits, and living parts of aforementioned workers! During the game you'll build and expand the space station and open up tons of different strategic and tactical possibilities. Featuring a grand total of 12 standard action spaces and 40 additional ones (modules), 22 perks, 16 different ways to configure your aliens (via components), and 4 different races, the possibilities are endless! Artwork has been done by Brian Patterson from the webcomic "d20Monkey".
Beschreibung auf

Geekcheck by Geekpunkt

Artwork - 7
Mechanic - 7
Theme - 7
Fun - 9
Quality - 9


⚙️Heavy [3.15]
💡Mark Major
🎨Brian Patterson
🏭Tasty Minstrel Games and Game Brewer
🛒Spiel kaufen | Werbung *

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