Mein erstes Abenteuer: Fang den Eierdieb!

Today, a terrible egg theft has just been committed! Today, you’re going to turn the town upside down to find the culprit! Who do you want to be for this investigation? Zoé, the mouse? Jeppy, the bear? Or Nouki, the raccoon? Choose your character and enter a story like no other, a story where each of your choices changes your adventure! The Egg Snatcher is the seventh book in the "My First Adventure" collection of stories in which you are the tiny hero.
Beschreibung auf

Geekcheck by Geekpunkt

Artwork - 8
Mechanic - 5
Theme - 9
Fun - 7
Quality - 7


⚙️Easy [1.00]
💡Jean Philippe Sahut
🏭Game Flow, Board Game Box, DV Games and Maldito Games
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