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In Zooloretto, each player uses small, large, wild, and exotic animals and their young to try to attract as many visitors as possible to their zoo – but be careful! The zoo must be carefully planned as before you know it, you might have too many animals and no more room for them. That brings minus points! Luckily, your zoo can expand. A zoo of a family game in which less is sometimes more... Can be combined with Aquaretto Zooloretto Mini
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⚙️Easy [1.86]
💡Michael Schacht
🎨Design/Main, Annemarie van Lierop, Michael Menzel, Marianne Riem and Michael Schacht
🏭ABACUSSPIELE, 999 Games, Filosofia Éditions, G3, Hobby World, Korea Boardgames,, Playgo Ltd (Hong Kong), Rio Grande Games, SpinBottle Games, Swan Panasia Co., Ltd., White Goblin Games and Z-Man Games
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