7 Wonders Duel: Solo

Home alone? No opponents available to play 7 Wonder Duel with you? Or maybe your partner / companion beats you every time? With our editor, Repos Production, Antoine and I have created this mini expansion of 7 Wonders Duel, which allows you to play the game SOLO, facing one of the 5 charismatic leaders. How does it work? Gameplay is simple: Choose or randomly draw the Leader you will face Each turn, turn over one of the 12 Decision Cards and follow the instructions The Leader will build the selected card, regardless of whether they have the resources or not. (After all, they are Leaders, they have many privileges) – Sometimes, the Leader will even play twice in a row Each of the Decision cards indicates the Leader’s choice priorities, as well as the possibility of immediately replaying an additional round. When we say it is simple, we just mean the rules – not the strategy. We are just talking about learning the rules, and managing the game elements during the game. We would never have made a solo mode in the “gas factory » style, as is often the case with solo adaptations ?. To be successful, you need to adapt to the strategy of your virtual opponents, and it will not be Byzantium every day (as Hammurabi said). —description from the designer
Beschreibung auf www.boardgamegeek.com

Geekcheck by Geekpunkt

Artwork - 7
Mechanic - 7
Theme - 7
Fun - 7
Quality - 7


⚙️Medium [2.23]
💡Antoine Bauza and Bruno Cathala
🎨Miguel Coimbra
🏭Repos Production and Gém Klub Kft.
🛒Spiel kaufen | Werbung *

* Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen.